America is not a race, we are all races, We are a NATION!!! yes, we are also the world police, if not us , who else will? we have the budget to do it, so we do.
everybody else has the philosophy of ignore it and it'll go away.... but if your country and government were overbearing and violently oppressive, you'd pray for us to come and help you and your family. as every other world country burries their heads in the sand, except maybe Britain!
put the shoe on the other foot there.
the USA doesn't have a regime. there is a three tier legal system here of due process that prevents a unified regime.
there are temporary leaders to prevent the possibility of there ever being a dictatorship or monarchy. we are a free nation governed by a body politic elected for a temporary term, by the people themselves!;_ylt=...
look at these pages if you have the time...
Do you love America? This is how I feel when people attack us verbally. Do you agree?
You obviously have a very simplistic view of the world. I like it that you are idealistic and you believe that everything is good and for a good purpose but you forget that not everyone is an idealist and although you would like things to be the way you said, reality is not quite so true.
America is not the hero you would like to believe, that goes around the world helping others. Who wouldn't like to believe that? But it isn't so. Look at what you are saying, America freeing people from an overbearing oppressive regime..etc etc.. how many countries can you name in the continent of Africa where this is true? where people are murdered in relentless genocide? And what is America doing about it? Your hypothesis would be true if you could prove it for every instance. If you can't then it's just a hypothesis. America doesn't do anything out of heroism. America donates 0.1% of its GDP in world aid ranking it at # 23 amongst developed nations. There are more ways to help people around the world than by taking an army to their country and waging war. I don't see too many of those efforts. Do you?
Also, America is not a true democracy. It is more of an oligarchy, if you know the meaning of that word. Yes, you have the choice of voting people in and out of office but if you looked at history you would see for how long some people have been in the political circuit. It's like a tag team, you vote one out, another person comes in. You think they are different, but they are from the same tag team, just switched positions. Go find out how long Cheney has been in and around the White House, or Rumsfeld. Go find out how long the Bush family has been involved with the government. It's not as rosy as you think. And if you believe that the American democracy allows anyone to run for office, you should first try winning a town election.
Reply:Watch the movie Syriana Report It
Reply:f*** you you arrogant idiot the united states may help people but they also help fund, sponsor, and bring to power dictators all over the world.And if the u.s. isn't a regime how did Bush become president when he lost the election?They do a lot a good but they have done their share of screwing uo s*** too, mostly at the expense of other countries nobody wants any country to police the world. If it had been vice-versa and a country like china, russia or britain or some country policed the world americans would be pissed at them for thinking they own the world. This attitude is the reason so many people hate your country in the first place, you place the u.s. on a pedestal and seem to expect the rest of the world to grovel in gratitude to your greatness.( by the way I do agree people who think americans are a race a stupid)
Reply:Yeah I love America! I don't care what others say we know what is true about the land we love. Most people say bad things about our great country because they are jealous.
By the way Mac Momma it isn't our fault the terrorist won't eat!
We can't force feed them they don't want it it would be cruel to force them to do something they don't want to do.
Reply:I dislike generalizations, they show ignorance so, when I get piled into a generalized statement about Americans, I am offended.
I love America, it isn't perfect but it is home and I would not want to live anywhere else.
Reply:Uhhhh, Guantanamo bay, torture???
You obviously have NEVER read the eighth amendment.
and the illegal wiretapping??? You haven't read the 4th amendment!!
Go read the bill of rights RIGHT NOW then rewrite your rant.
Reply:Yup I Love America, We're not perfect but were the best there is.
And for those Libs crying about those poor people in Guantanamo bay, you should be thankful they didn't turn them over to the families of the people who DIED on 9/11
Remember that little item....
World Trade Center ring a bell....
Can't we deport all the Libs to France....
America Love it or Leave it!
Reply:If you had to put that much in to your question and replies your probably wrong
Reply:Not to mention that Americans are very generous. When the Tsunami hit, America gave money, troops, medical, you name it.
Same thing with earthquakes around the globe.
Reply:I dont thinks its a matter of whether to interfere with or police other States, there have been good examples of U.S. intervention such as Kosovo. The question should be WHEN is the U.S. justified?
There can be two answers to this; You may believe that America should move unilateraly to dismiss unfreindly regimes at all times, after all, who is anybody else to tell you whats right from wrong. Or Americans may demand commodities it depends on, and its up to the government to secure these items for its citizens.
You may beleive in the actual principles of Democracy, and allow nations to determine their own path, after all, who are you to tell someone else what is best for them.
I dont think either points of view are necessarily "un-American", and a U.S. citizen can both love their country AND disagree with its foreign policy. After all, you may love your son, daughter, brother, freind, etc... but you may also disagree with their actions. Americans who have a different vision of what "America" means should not be accused of sedition, some of these people are the greatest patriots of all.
Reply:YEAH!!! What she said!!
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