I have been married for 4 years and have considered cheating but would be tempted if the guy pursued me enough.My husband and I went to a movie and this guy sat next me.The movie is playing and the guy starts feeling his foot up my stocking ankle and starts rubbing it.I was shocked so I moved my foot but this guy was persitent and kept rubing my foot with his.But he was turning me on and it felt soo good and dangerous.My husband is Asian but has no imagination.The guy was black and I fantasize about all races of men.But this guy got me hot rubbing my foot and ankle.So I kicked off my shoe and put my stocking foot on top of his and we would fondle our feet without anyone knowing our secret.The movie ended and this guy left but he really got me hot and brought out some wildness in me.I think about him all the time and this was 3 weeks ago and I have even dreamed about him a few times reliving out footsie encounter.What should I do I can't stop thinking about him and want to see him again
Married but having fantasies about this guy who fondled me?
Gracie Cheng, Is that you? Its me Hammer. Damn girl I didn't know you liked it that much. But to tell the truth I also played footsie with your husband too. FYI
Reply:WOW!!! That would turn me on too.. My husband is boring and he does not like to have sex, so if I was in a position like yours I would probably do the same. That was really risky with the both of you having your husband there. I understand because it brings out excitement. I surprised that he didn't give you his number. It might happen again if you go out but with a totally different person, be careful not to get caught.
Reply:I can understand wanting some excitement in your marriage, but this is not the way to go about it. Try talking to your husband about what you like and want to try. If that doesn't work than you may want to think about getting out. Cheating is not the route I would take. Put yourself in your husbands shoes, would you like him doing this to you? Focus your thoughts on getting excitement back into you marriage.
Reply:lol, this lame post again. The movie theather foostie bullshIt, hahaha.
Reply:THATS HOT!Im in the same boat married to an Asian but he has no imagination but if the guy who sat next to me looked as fine as The Rock..I would let him play footsie with me too.MMMMMMMMHHHMMMMMM!
Reply:Get some "tough actin Tanactin" and put that fire out!
Reply:Start wearing boots for starters. Well I doubt you will just run into him on the street so forget about him. If your husband is not doing the job, let him know about it.
Reply:If you lie to your husband and don't tell him then you are sick, disgusting.
among the filth of humanity, scum trash.
only if you do that.
but tell him, then you are a better person.
Reply:Well the fact that you're thinking about cheating and now that your playing footsies with strangers means your marriage is already in trouble.
You should either try to fix it or leave before you do anything. Don't humiliate your husband by betraying him first.
Reply:Keep this as your fantasy. It works well! Get yourself off to thoughts of what happened between you two and thank God that he didn't follow you both home. Although your husband might not be the most imaginative, you'll need to use YOUR imagination with your husband. If he's not into that, then use your imagination but keep these fantasies to yourself. I know it's not sexually exciting, but if your husband has other great qualities, why would you want to give him up?
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