white ppl merderd the nadevs to get this land and stole the land from them and treated them horabol and enslaved the blacks for 500 years and treated them horabol to and all the white ppl have been horabol to all the race so y should i be proud of america and y shod i liek white ppl i want to but im not
Proud of america ????
this question is extremely unintelligent and unnecessary. Im tired of seeing all of these questions that group all "white people" and breed hate. I for one believe that there are no definative "white people" and myself am tired of people automatically asuming by the color of my skin that I am "white" I am italian, mexican, irish and german. I am not "white" I am AMERICAN. It is like someone asuming that because your skin is dark you must be african. there are so many shades to our skin colors. We are one person on the inside and for you to not like ME because of my skin makes you just as bad as the people in the past that judged using skin color as a reason!
Reply:Hooked on Phonics worked for me!!!!
Reply:I think you should wind your watch and realize this is 2008. You cannot change the past, only learn from it.
And speaking of learning, you may want to work on the spelling.
Reply:Slavery was only allowed in the southern states. The north opposed this institution for generations. We eventually fought a war over this. This war pushed the very worst element of our society west where they met the natives and the results were very disasterous.
But that was hundreds of years ago, when people had very different ideas and were half nuts anyway. None of those people are even alive today.
Your post is as racist and uninformed as that of the worst bigots. And your spelling is terrible. Normally I don't pick on that, but you really should spend more time educating yourself and less on hating people who never harmed you.
Reply:lol learn to spell then ill be pissed
Reply:First, it wasn't just whites that murdered the natives, and by native, I assuming you are meaing, North American Indians. There were other races and ethnics that also played roles in slaughter, and mismanaged land deals. I suggest you read the book, "Drownding Creek" about one of many areas, some indians had to cross during the relocation on to reservations. It will enlighten you greatly as to one of the cruelist periods of American history. Florida, was settled mostly by Spanards; the early west, by those of Mexican descent. The area that is now Lousiana pan handle the French influence. Not all of these are 'white people' by your definition.
As the North American Slave trading: Yes, it was definetly an atrosity. But, where did you think that the slaves came from? They were bartered and traded by their own kind to make money, or gold. Many family lines were forceably relocated to North America through the industry, and still remain. Frankly, I think you should take up the time and read on the southern black roles in the Civil War. It may sound cruel, but what sense does it make that entire infintries, with guns, that were so enslaved actually took up weapons and defended the South?
In the North there was another form of slavery, call endentured slaves. My great, great, great, great grand mother was endentured from Scotland. So, the idea that slavery was just a white on black issue, considering I am white doesn't wash with me.
Reply:those white people are dead now.........the whites today arent responsible for what some of their ancestors did........
and learn to spell!!
Reply:Prawd uv yoar speling?
Reply:hum i am native american and i am very proud to be american. yes there have been wrongs done in the past but show me a nation that doesnt. american lead the way to making all people equal. also we stand up for those who need to be stood up for. honestly im a huge beliver in if you dont like it here then you dont need to be here..... if other countries were so great then you would live there. be thankful you live here cause in another country this question could have gotten you thrown in jail or even killed
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