Its not that i want to make a big generalization or anything, i mean i know some people in other races must have that quality, but i find it very common that whites have nice high insteps. I have yet to find a pure black person with such nice insteps. I can't say anything for chinese because i haven't been able to observe their foot structure.
I just envy those high insteps. I'd like to wear a shoe without my foot hanging over the side.
What do u guys think? Is there any way to change your instep?
Is it just me or do white ppl have the highest insteps?
I don't know about how race relates to instep, I've never really noticed, but...
It is definitely possible to strengthen/improve your arches. Rise up onto the balls of your feet as high as you can and back down again repeatedly, or get a Theraband (you can find them on and point and flex your foot using it for resistance. Also, and this might sound a bit strange, but try (gently) stretching the front of your ankle.
Reply:do you have a foot fetish..? 0.0
Reply:I'm half Native American with very high arches. I always heard that most African-American people had flatter feet than either Native or European people, but it's likely a myth.
Reply:don't know but i'm white and i have a very high one. you may like those but i also have some toes that look like fred flinstones. which is better? learn to use what you have to your advantage.
Reply:wow you noticed things people never think about....i think you should just ignore it...the more you are content with yourself the happier you will be...goodluck
Reply:I'm white as paste, and I have absolutely no instep. My feet are as flat as the floor :)
I'm not sure you can permanantly change your instep. But good shoes with the arch support will help with back, hip, or knee pain due to the misalignment.
Reply:I have a high instep and unless a shoe has an ankle strap it absolutely will not stay on my foot. Sure, they look nice in heels, but I can't wear flats.
Puppy Teeth
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