I personally think it does. It overshadows the good things that black people do..like higher rates of joining the army than any other race...higher rate of red cross volunteers than any other race..lowest rate of terrioristic acts (like bombing us buildings and shooting presidents) than any other race...
They also invented the automatic gear shift, traffic lights, refrigerators, irons, shoe soles, air conditioning, etc. does rap and crime overshadow this?
Does rap and a gangsters give people an excuse to talk about blacks?
ummmm lets not trigger another afrocentric BS trite about who invented the fridge or gear shift or even the traffic light. If you want to point out their inventions, why not point out what they REALLY invented. PATENTED IMPROVEMENTS that had no bearing on the conventional engineering tasks that had an impact on today's appliances or gadgets!
I challenge ANY black person to prove me wrong.
isn't it funny how black people can claim inventions but they can't seem to back up their claim when others' point out the BS behind their intent?
the best argument is that we are bigots.
"datbefat: you didnt answer the question again..whats up with that. Improvement vs invention....they are both innerconnected ..whats your point..you have gotten to picky trying to prove a point ..but we dont ever know what it is...how old are you by the way?"
are you stupid? an improvement does not give entitlement to say you INVENTED said device! those "improvements" you mentioned had no DIRECT, "interconnected," impact on the aforementioned devices.
next time try to come up with a more convincing argument.
"Dat: dude, I gave the link of inventions, from a VERY credible source. You say there were no inventions I say otherwise. There were improvements also but of course another poster gave you a link with improvements. There you have it. Still havent answered the original question...Its at the top of the page and ends with a "?" ...this is why they cant stand us..b/c of people like you. Call me stupid for coming up with facts...what do you call people that say inventions are inprovements and one is more important than the other? lower that stupid...a picky race baiter."
I don't know what to say to that. YOU. ARE. STUPID! STICK TO THE TOPIC! DON'T PUT WORDS INTO MY MOUTH! before I go on tell me where on that site tells me that it specifically says they invented the FRIDGE, GEAR SHIFTER, TRAFFIC LIGHT......
and to answer your stupid question. NO! they don't use rap or black gang affliation as an excuse to talk about black people. they use what they see every day what blacks are doing to major cities to talk about black people. LOL
Reply:thanks for keeping a blind TO the truth. YOU STILL HAVE NOT POINTED OUT WHERE IT SAID THEY INVENTED THAT STUFF. but hey, I guess you being black you will not admit an "improvement" from an INVENTION.
Reply:I gave you the link. But you want to call me stupid. You gave me NO links and I call you nothing. Report It
Reply:just as I thought. you can't tell me where on that site it says they INVENTED THOSE devices you claim. BUT THANKS FOR AVERTING the facts.
you're still stupid. black people like you will continue to live your afrocentric BS lies. Report It
Reply:Does To Catch a Predator, give people an excuse to assume that most white men are child molestors nope so why would fictional rap music give anyone an excuse to say something bad about black people?
Reply:dude your heart is in the right place but rap is not necesarily a negative thing considering the most people who buy rap music are caucasians. white elders are just issed off that all their sons and daughters are respecting and celebrating and embracing black culture in droves while abandoning white culture. its sour grapes dude. white music is more violent and crazier. listen to rock music sometimes dude. sour grapes is all it is at the voluminous white converts to black culture. dont believe the hype. learn to sift the truth from the bullcrap and you will be as enlightened as i am hehe ok that was arrogant
Reply:Rap talks about those type of things simply because white people love stuff like that and will buy in masses. Gangsters are just doing what they have to do to feed they're families because they can't get real jobs because most people don't know about the positive things you mentioned..... I didn't, but ignorant employers believe that what some blacks do apply to the entire race.
Reply:Bigots love to ignore positive aspects of Black achievement, like the ignorant one who said you were wrong about those inventions, which Black people DID invent along with many other things.....they like to pick out a story about A Black individual and then attribute those characteristics to all Black people, which is stupid as hell, so they can make themselves feel better about their miserable little lives. Besides, the biggest gangster crime organization in this country is of European extraction 'na mean? Ill bet whatyoumakefool (whateva) never heard of Dr. Charles Drew's discovery of how to separate blood cells from plasma, a technique that has saved countless lives. Let them stupid fools stay dumb.
Reply:It's really no surprise to me that some people ignore your question entirely and take it upon themselves to open their list of "favorites" and bring up their brinkster site to prove their claims that blacks really didn't invent the things you claim they invented. This goes to show you that people, especially self-important bigots are much more interested in the bad aspects about the black race than the good. Little do they know, they're falling right into the cycle.
I agree with your point about rap and gangsters and I believe that part of the reason why it is so popular is because it shows the stereotypical roles that everyone finds so entertaining about blacks. Racists can look at rap music and gangsta culture and say, "See, this is why I hate black people!" and feel sincere about it. A black man (I can't remember his name) commented on rap and it's degrading effects and pointed out that it's nothing but modern minstrality. Instead of the white men in blackface, the black guys are in sagging pants, gold chains, and shiny grills being menaces to society.
I was reading an article about VH1 rejecting the idea of a show entitled "Interracial Love" because it showed professional black women looking beyond race to find true love. Their reason: for scrapping the idea was "It is our thoughts that the viewers are more interested in seeing black people in a ghetto role. This show will not sell." Unfortunately, they might be right. After all, people like to see what they want to see. They like believing that they know everything about a person based on their appearance.
Another good question.
Reply:Sorry, but blacks did not invent the things you listed. I'd have to take your word on the organization involvement unless I figure out otherwise.
Reply:Unfortunately, yes. This generation of African Americans are in need of role-models and examples. The hip-hop culture is destroying them.
Reply:Yes it does. But it's our own fault for buying and supporting this type of music. Funnily enough the people who buy rap music the most are White.
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