Even illegal to mention it in Y/A......
H. Clinton shine their shoes in Jew York
They are Whites but has a minotiry status......White Mormons are currently fighting for the same status with Mitt Romney
What word, religion, race are the US politicians + media afraid to mention? Even Rush is afraid to mention it
Judaism,Zionism these are off limits lest you be branded a racist.
Reply:I give up. What? The Daytona 500?
Reply:a word, religion, race? they are whites but has...
what language is this? is this some kind of code?
Reply:Whitest American ? Are you an albino, with pink eyes like a bunny ?
Reply:Yeah, those MSMers sure do say alot about Christians, but you never hear them say anything about Islam!!!
Oh, the "mean ol Christians they're just ripping our country apart," but not peep about the Islam that uprising in our Nation.
thats what the politicians %26amp; media are afraid to mention
Reply:Can you make a candle out of your earwax.
get pale skin
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