If someone said, "I'm not for stealing, I'm only for making it legal to steal"
Would that make sense?
If someone said, "I'm not for slavery, I'm only for making it legal to own a slave"
Would that make sense?
If someone said, "I'm not for genocide, I'm only for making it legal to kill an entire race of people"
Would that make sense?
If someone said, "I'm not for infanticide, I'm only for making it legal to kill babies."
Would that make sense?
If the shoe fits, wear it. Pro-Choice=Pro-Abortion.
Why do people always say, "I'm not for abortion, I'm only for having it legal"? Please read on...
Good point.
We have all sorts of laws regulating people's "choices" in this country. Guns can't be purchased without proper identification and a background check. Alcohol and tobacco can't be purchased unless the customer can prove they are of legal age. Speed limits govern how fast we can drive, and some drugs are ALWAYS illegal to buy, no matter what any doctor says!
In Chicago now, it is illegal to sell fois gras at restaurants. California is considering outlawing plastic grocery bags. Having sex with a minor (15 and under) is ALWAYS illegal, whether or not there is consent! You cannot board a plane carrying anything that could be considered a weapon: sizzors, knitting needles, toothpaste, yada yada. Airports don't allow "freedom of speech": it is illegal to say the words "gun", "bomb", "knife", etc. at an airport.
Point being: even in a "free" country, we have to accept some limits on our lives. Laws define those limits.
Abortion kills a helpless human being, to the great profit of the doctor. This business should be OUTLAWED. Abortion doctors don't care about rights. They care about their own bottom line!
Reply:You are absolutely correct. It has always annoyed me to hear some fool say that they think abortion should be legal, but that they are against it. Why would someone be for abortion if they realized that it was killing a human being? Conversely, why would anyone be personally opposed to abortion if they believed that it was merely a surgical procedure, and not murder?
You can't have it both ways. If you are opposed to abortion, it is because you know what it is doing. And if you realize what it is doing, you can't very well take the position that it is a matter of choice.
If you saw your neighbor chasing their child around the backyard with an ax, what would you do? Would you consider your neighbor to be exercising his/her choice? Well, killing an unborn baby is the same thing.
Reply:There is a difference. Pro-choice means even if you personally think it is wrong, you think that people should be able to decide whether they think it is wrong or not.
Just like in the Civil War. Many Confederate soldiers were against slavery, but still believed the South had a right to secede from the Union if they really wanted to.
Reply:I'm not; I think abortion is wrong. But at the same time, it isn't my decision to tell someone else what to do with their body. A fetus is NOT a person; it is a potential person. There is a BIG difference.
Besides, how may anti-abortionists have adopted unwanted children? Most of the people who oppose abortion support a political party which has consistently cut funding to help the people who are most likely to get abortions. Most do not put their money where their mouths are.
You'll never get it completely done away with anyway, many women who wanted abortions found out that falling down the stairs often took care of the problem. I'm not saying that's the right way to do it, but it did happen. Outlaw abortion, and it likely will again.
Reply:I'll wear it.
I don't like abortion, I don't like what happens during the procedure.
BUT I wouldn't make it illegal because sometimes (like it or not) it is the best decision. Maybe you won't call it the "right" decision but certainly the best decision.
And I am not about to judge anyone who has been in that place where they had to make the call.
We never know what we would do until we are there.....in the other person's shoes.
Reply:Your posting makes no sense. Abortion, as a viable alternative should be made legal because there is no way of stopping back street illegal abortionists any other way.
If a woman does not want to give birth, then she should not be compelled to. The burden of being an unwanted child should not be placed upon anyone.
Reply:Great Job! Thank you for having the courage to actually speak out against this evil practice, that is, in actuality, murder. Bravo!
Reply:Apples to oranges.
You suck at rhetoric.
The argument is more accurately described as, "While I personally would not have an abortion, I believe it is the right of another to choose for themselves whether or not to have one."
You have failed first grade logic. Go to the back of the short bus.
Reply:I think you are exactly right. Pro Choice is a clever spin. If you are pro choice, you are opposed to laws and education restricting abortion. Your stance then leads to more abortions.
Apathy is not an acceptable stance.
Reply:I kinda wanted to ask an anti-abortionist this question. Are sperm cells considered alive to you? Do you de-humanize sperm cells because they are in a primitive form? Also, what happens to all the losers in the dash for survival?
I guess the bigger they are, the more human you consider them to be.
Reply:Ever heard the expression 'The lesser of two evils'?
I happen to live in the real world.
Reply:I agree with you there 100% the only time i think that abortion is OK is if the mother carrying the child will die from giving birth to it because then that child would not be able to live a good life because of resentment it would feel from the father of the child or the siblings for having caused the death of the mother. But even if a girl is rape she could still give that child a chance at life and get it adopted there are other options besides abortion. But really I believe you should not have sex UNLESS you are ready to have a child otherwise you shouldn't because you are risking getting pregnant each time and eventually it will happen.
Reply:I take it you are a Christian and you are pro-life! Your analogies are wrong so you can't use them to make your point. Your mixing man laws up with your God's laws and doing a real bad job of it.
I take it that you are Christian, you are pro-life and you believe that the Bible is completely true. Then where the bible defines free will "God also determined that man would have free-will, the ability and responsibility to choose to obey Him (cf. Gen. 3:1-6; Josh. 24:15; Matt.
11:28)" you believe that any one can do as they choose. They must explain themselves to their creator and has nothing to do with you!
I guess that you must not believe that your God can take care of things without man's intervention. How sad...
Maybe this will explain why many of us other religions are getting new followers daily. You can't have everything both ways, you either believe in the whole enchilada or you believe in nothing.
Reply:It works as long as your conscience is seared so you can't feel the effects.
Reply:I'm for babies not for infanticide
Reply:You are so right! You know what I can't figure out? Where are all of those child-advocates that split families a part until parents can prove they are good enough to the state (in the USA at least)??? Where are they and why aren't they fighting for the unborn child's rights? Abortion is murder. Its destroying a life. And it also destroys women emotionally..they will eventually figure out when their due date is (or was) ..and that date will not disappear from their minds. Abortion often changes the woman physically, too. Some women can not have children after this "safe" procedure. What a stack of lies.....
Reply:**Miscarriage Statistics - A Look at the Figures and Definitions
Miscarriage statistics can be dramatic. Miscarriage reportedly occurs in 20 percent of all pregnancies. However, according to some sources, this may be an inaccurate number. Many women, before realizing a life has begun forming within them, may miscarry without knowing it-assuming their miscarriage is merely a heavier period. Therefore, the miscarriage rate may be closer to 40 or 50 percent. Of the number of women who miscarry, 20 percent will suffer recurring miscarriages. **
I hope you are not suggesting God hates abortion, when he "intelligently" designed women's bodies to naturally abort the fetus up to 50% of the time.
Reply:It really does take you forever to make a point.
Reply:Good for you. Abortion kills. A foetus is not a kidney or a tumor, it's a baby and it's alive. A civilization that kills it's own babies does not deserve to be called civilized.
Cheers :-)
Reply:Thank YOU!!!!!!!! Finally: someone who gets it. Maybe this'll open a few eyes.
Reply:I'm not for slavery, that's why I'm pro choice. It's not my place to tell a woman what she has to do with her body for those 9 months. It's really as simple as that.
So, I'm pro choice.
Does that mean I like abortions? Of course not. Nobody does.
Reply:It's about the rights of the individual.
When you decide a fetous should be considered a human life is up to you.
Others have their opinion.
It's a debate that religion should be kept out of all together.
If religion comes into consideration withs laws on such issues, then you no longer have any seperation of church and state. I could not possibly live in such a society.
Reply:I understand where you are going it with this. So many people keep abortion as a birth control method. Some of my friends have had several abortions.I wish people would not kill these babies.
If mother's life is threatened, I understand. Or if one is a victim of rape and gets pregnant. We need to protect these babies. : )
Reply:I am not for abortion. However, I do not believe that I have the right to make that decision for other people, just as I do not have the right (or ability) to make the decision to accept Christ for other people.
Aborton, like many other issues, are moral issues baed on one's religious beliefs. How can I respect another person's right to worship the religion of their choice and then insist they follow the morals (guidelines) of mIne?
Pre Choice is not the same as Pro Abortion. Pro Choice simply means that each person must make the choice for themselves.
Reply:You tell that to the 12 yr old girl who was raped by a family member and denied an abortion because the state required her to notify her parents even though she was physically afraid to tell them......the girl ended up in the ER after being attacked be her family.
Reply:wrong. pro-choice IS NOT pro-abortion. you can be against abortions, but for them remaining safe and legal. pro-choice is just that. FOR CHOICE! meaning you know you have NO right to tell another woman what she can and cannot do in regards to HER body and HER fetus.
Reply:But I am Pro-Choice, Pro-Abortion.
Reply:Right on!!
Reply:There are a lot of people who think that way. But not all people do.
Legal or not............ Abortion is abortion and is murder in my mind, it is not ethical.
Reply:Thank you, O Wise and All-Knowing One.
I am Pro-Choice, and Pro-Abortion. That's my shoe, and I'm wearing it.
pale skin
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