
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why is it okay for dispicable remarks to be made about white cocasions but terrible when it is the other way.?

I agree that what Imus said is terrible and he is a bone head for saying it, but i cant tell you how many times i have been called cracker, honkey, uncle tom, and so on. i just take it with a grain of salt. But you let someone drop the n word and oh my god watch out, unless you are black and then it is okay. There is a terrible double standard in this country. I agree that he should have been suspended or even fired. But if the shoe is on the other foot are we going to fire a black person when he makes a white racist comment. I agree that racism needs to be ended, but that means for all races. It is obvious that Al Sharpton has no use for the white race and has made racist comments before, is that okay, i dont think so.

Why is it okay for dispicable remarks to be made about white cocasions but terrible when it is the other way.?
no-------not at all------thumbs down for big al.
Reply:As Lyndon Johnson said back in the 60's, what do you think is going to happen when you let a man stand up after you have been sticking your boot on his neck for 300 years? If all you have to put up with is people calling you names, you are getting off easy. White people do have to tolerate some name-calling. Black people don't. That's just the way it is. Sorry. Your ancestors should have thought of the price you would have to pay for their depriving the black man of his rights for hundreds of years.

Also if white people can't even spell the word Caucasian, they don't have much right to complain. (So it is tempting to call you an ignorant cracker, but I really don't like to engage in name-calling at all so I have some sympathy for your basic position.)

And it also seems doubtful that a white person would be called an Uncle Tom, since that term is used to describe a black person who goes along with oppression of blacks (the "good slave" in Harriet Beecher Stowe's book Uncle Tom's Cabin)
Reply:I'm sick of the white racist comments but we don't have a Jesse to take care of our discrimination
Reply:The POINT is not to get off ended.

Law-%26gt;Law ppl get easily off ended.

Law%26lt;-Law ppl also get easily beset: Heb 12.

There's a lot of Law%26lt;=%26gt;Law going To%26lt;=%26gt;Fro late-ly.

Grace us ppl always focus on THE END already written:

The GRACE of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.
Reply:Perhaps in a perfect world, but the residual effects from slavery have lingered for over a hundred years and continue to impact race relations today. If your great granddad had been OWNED by mine, you might feel different too.
Reply:It is never ok for racists remarks to be made. Racism should be ended.

If we all work together and stop ourselves from using racist remarks then the circle will widen.
Reply:I'm playing the violins for you, really I am.

Part of the reason that racist comments against the African American community are totally unacceptable are because of the history of inequality that they have suffered at the hands of others.

Now, that doesn't make ANY racist statement acceptable, no matter who it is directed at, but I just think that Caucasians have less right to complain about it.
Reply:No one could have said it better.

It is impossible for me or anyone else to make it any plainer.

I posed the same question but can't get answer.

Would it be possible for us to form the...NAAWP?
Reply:Racism is very bad either way, but learn to spell Caucasian.
Reply:We are all equal and there is no place for racist's on this planet. God love's us all equally and we should do the same for our fellow brova's n sista's.
Reply:Try to concentrate on something of real importance. That is the way society is. Just like society portrays beauty as being thin and ugly as being fat. It's the same principle.
Reply:Just as it was "okay" for white to discriminate years ago, minorities today feel it is now their turn.

And in some way they should be right to think so.

However, because of what happens during racial confrontation people get hurt, children die, homes and cities are destroyed.

People have to pay to compensate for what others have done.

I only wish I could see the day when people have realized that there is just no more use to fight. I hope the reason is not because we have destroyed the world by then.

Color never bothered me, bad attitudes do.
Reply:I agree with you 100%. Everyone just need to learn to be a little more tolerant of everyone else. We all have to live here together, so why don't we just live together as citizens of the world.
Reply:I agree with you. Racism at any level is innapropriate but there seems to be a double standard here. The Black/Africian American people have gone from a level of pride and dignity in the civil rights moment of Dr. MLK, being called Black men and women and making a positive name for themselves to now calling each other ******, Ho's and Bitches. But let a white man say this and we send him straight to hell.
Reply:Gee I wish I knew, but they always seem to make a mountain out of a mole hill and a woe is me.....

By the way that's spelled Caucasian
Reply:I agree that neither is okay. I think the reason that one seems to be more acceptable to society than the other is because of the history of the struggles of the black race in this country and the overcompensation for that on all sides of the proverbial aisle. Read a book called "White Guilt" by Shelby Steele. He discusses how the Civil Rights movement dealt an enormous blow to racial discrimination, and asserts that the efforts made by our governments and universities to take responsibility for these problems, backfired and in actuality served to help people see the black community as victims instead of true equals. He calls this phenomenon white guilt, " a way for whites to keep up appearances, to feel righteous, and to acquire an easy moral authority -- all without addressing the real underlying problems of African Americans." Black himself, Steele is a research fellow at the Hoover Institution and Stanford University, and is a contributing editor at Harper's magazine. I find the book a refreshing and different look at an old problem.
Reply:Well, the reason why we have such a double standard in this country is because of all the bad stuff the White Caucasians have done to the other races. When they came to America, they killed and enslaved the Native Americans. Which is why there is such a short short shortage of them.

They then went to Africa and bought Africans from other Africans who caught them and drugged them over to the USA. In turn slaving and killing them. Then the Jewish people start to come over and the White Caucasians treated them too as if they where objects to own and manipulate.

After the Jewish people came and the other racist came. They still treated them as crap and used them and killed them. In conclusion. White People can't truly say anything bad about anything or one. Cause of the history they have.

So, that is mainly why it's a double standard. Due to the fact that for many, possibly a thousand, years. The White Race has done so much wrong towards the others that everyone is still holding it against them, but what do I know. I'm only African American/Indian/Hispanic


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