My dad is always making me cry. I can't help it. he yells at me about everything. He blames me for things that aren't my fault. He can't accept my personality. I love ppl of all races and he blames that on where we live. He is rasist. I am 13 and I can't move out. My mom won't do anything. I have no family to turn to, and my friends can't help. I have NO ONE to turn to and its tarring me up inside. For example, i asked him to help me find a library case and he only helps cuz he wants to prove he can find it and not cuz he loves me. I try to tell him how i feel that he never cares about my problems and he told me TO ACT MY AGE NOT MY SHOE SIZE, and i told him to act his age not his IQ. But 2 minutes b4 that he blamed all this on the fact i couldn't find my book. I can't talk to any1, i can't move out or run away. And no one would believe me. And plz don't tell me not to pay attention to wat he says cuz it doesn't work. And finding something to change my mood won't work either. PLZ HELP!
How do I handle my parents?
Find an adult like a guidance counselor at school to talk to. Don't keep it bottled up inside, but don't give in to the desire to scream back. I understand that you are only 13 but you sound like a smart person.It isn't fair that you have to be the adult but someone has to act in a responsible way. I am betting that you can do it. Please don't run away that will only make you problem worse. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I an hoping that things get better for you.
Reply:i really feel for you, you really need to find someone you can talk to about this, through school or what about your doctor if you are able to make an appt without your parents. one important thing to remember about your parents is they are just grown up kids and they make mistakes. we can't choose our family but we can choose our friends. i think it's great that you are challenging your dads racist views but try not to let it start arguments one day when you are older you will be able to accept that he is your dad and you cant change him but you can get on with your own life without him and his opinions.
Reply:Dad's don't like for kids to back talk, which is what you were doing when you did the IQ thing. Try being polite and say yes sir and stop getting into it with him. He is part of the problem, girl, but you are the other part. Just because he says rotten stuff to you does not mean you should say rotten stuff back to him. Just take the put down and keep quiet.Go to your room and cool off. You should never call the police unless he physically abuses you or puts you life in danger.
Reply:I had the same problem, with both parents, I kept telling them the same thing, just actually ignore him, next time he tells you to do something don't do it, until he shows you some respect
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