There are minority groups for most races, but if there were organized meeting for Caucasians it would be labeled as racist. IE: On T.V. "B.E.T." (imagine the critisism "White Entertainment Television" would get). If a black man says the n-word, it's cool or funny and it goes on without notice. If a white guy says it, off to court he goes. I feel it's inapropriate from any race. I understand in the sixties there was still alot of unjust discrimination from many, many years prior, but what does that have to do with the younger society today? That was 40 years ago and I still hear how 20 year olds feel affected. You see "Brown Pride" shirts or flags all the time. Can you imagine seeing white pride on a shirt? That sounds like a legal battle to me. Please enlighten me on why minorities have taken the spotlight and advertised there race yet it is not apropriate if the shoe is on the other foot.
Do Caucasians ever feel like the minority?
I agree. There have been many times I have felt "discriminated against" as I watched someone of another race get a job I applied for in a company that obviously didn't have it's "quota" of minorities, only to see that person last 6 months in the position or less, when I was prepared to dedicate myself to the position for several years and had previously proven a stable job history (I worked one summer job in high school, and in my senior year of high school I began working at the local newspaper, where I advanced as I pursued my education, and stayed at that company for eight years). I understand that discrimination probably was a major problem for "minority" groups in the past. But when will we finally come to an agreement that we are all just people?
Reply:You have a good point. Being an African American, you are dealing with a double edged sword. If a black person says the n-word, its okay around his own race. IF a white person says it, he gets the @#$! beat out of him. We can say it, you can't get over it. I'm sorry that's just how it is
Reply:They dont' get a white Entertainment Channel because most T.V. is for white people. I am white and don't in anyway feel like the put upon race. Usally when a black man says ****** it is in a joking fashion and when a white guy says it, it is as a racial slur. You don't find the difference in that, because I do. Some white people do have special groups that are not racist but cultural. I wouldn't trade places economically, politically, socially or anything with a black person just because I don't get to say the n word. Gimme a break.
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