
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Do you think Senator Clinton would be barking about seating Florida and Michigan if she were in Obama's shoes?

She along with all the Democratic contenders signed off on the DNC rules before the Primaries and Caucuses began.

She thought that she would have no real contest when this race began. She was one the Party establishment leader. How could she possibly lose to a Junior Senator from Illinois?

Now she is in Florida crying and whining about two States that clearly broke the rules to save her candidacy.

Do you think Senator Clinton would be barking about seating Florida and Michigan if she were in Obama's shoes?
Can't be said any better than that, last ditch effort is what it looks like to me. Desperation and immaturioty does not look good on a presidental nominee.
Reply:Obama has been in a panic to stop the voting since February 5th. Every super delegate that is bitter that they are not as liked as the Clinton's jump to Obama and on day one, go on the news and beg us to stop the voting, do not let the people decide. Now Hillary has Obama on the ropes, he is losing states by 35-40 % he lost the popular vote, he looks racist, sexist, anti American and elitist, and he is still crying to please don't let anymore people vote, just crown me.

That is hardly the point.

The DNC is preventing the votes of the Democrats in Florida and Michigan from counting.

That alone is rigging the outcome of the election.

The Party heads are ELITISTS who ALWAYS contest any results that don't follow the idea of what THEY think America should be.
Reply:Hell no!! She agreed to not count those votes in the beginning. But we know her word dosent mean a hill a beans!! I don't know why they allow her to storm around like a little spoiled maniac changing the rules of the game they made.
Reply:So what big deal who cares. I say let Obama be the nominee and Clinton run Independent or Clinton supporters vote against Obama, and show the Obamanite's once and for all we mean business when we say he is not qualified to be the President.
Reply:No, she'd be winning, it'd wouldn't make logical sense to jeopordize her nomination.
Reply:You can ask the same of Obama.
Reply:Nope, it is only because she is losing. She did not give one damn when she thought the primary season would have been a cakewalk for her.
Reply:Look at it the other way: certainly if Obama were in Hillary's shoes he would be "barking" about seating FL and MI.
Reply:Hillary is for the people. She could have the nomination all sewed up, but she would still fight for those voters who have been left out of the democratic process.
Reply:She didn't want the state to count back in Aug 07 when she was the presumptive nominee

She's only doing this because she needs FL %26amp; MI in order to have HALF a chance.

Obama has taken all his losses along the way like a true professional, no exuses.
Reply:Heck No!!
Reply:No she wouldn't. She is a cheater
Reply:She was very silent and agreeing with the rules at the beginning......what changed.....oh that's right she started to lose

this day in history

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