
Sunday, March 14, 2010

How do i get my 2 year old niece a job, because she is breaking me with mcdonalds, toys, etc?

she see me coming in the door to visit, she races to get jacket and shoes of coarse backwards, and grabs my hand. oh brother, i realize that i spoiled her. i see happiness through her eyes. how do i unravel what i done?

How do i get my 2 year old niece a job, because she is breaking me with mcdonalds, toys, etc?
sweat shop!!!!!! lol explain to her that Mc Donalds isn't good all the time, then entertain her with other things. Like playing at the playground, taking care of a special pet that she visits when she's w/ you, or take her to the zoo. Bottom line, you have to fill that mcdonald time with other things. Deep down she wants to spend time with you and not the happy meal!!!

Reply:learn to say no right now or you will really be in trouble. Her 2 yr old McDonald's sized taste will quicker than you can believe turn into wanting an iphone (or the equivalent of whatever it is in just a few years) and you will have FAR more trouble saying no to her and breaking that relationship as she gets older. She needs to know that you love her and that the things you bring her or get her are just that -- things. You must learn to disassociate those things from your love for her, and she will do the same, in her 2 yr old way. She may have a few fits for a while but, you need to know that you are being much better an aunt by not giving her all those things.
Reply:don't take her out as often say "ok we're not going anywhere today we're going to stay in and make a picture for ______ maybe we'll go out next time i come over ok"
Reply:I cant help but to just laugh at peoples stupidity!
Reply:unravel it now or later you will regret it. start of slow its going to hurt you more than her at first. good luck.
Reply:McDonalds would probably give her a job (%26amp; free toys) - some of the people i see working at McDonalds hardly look a day over 2 anyway.
Reply:You can suggest spending those time playing board games or go to playground rather than buying her toys. You could just tell her you have a new fun idea, and try out some good indoor activities.
Reply:Start spoiling her with fun activities INSTEAD of things that cost money. Spoil her with a trip to the park, pool, or just a bike ride (or wagon ride) outside. Make it a BIG deal to do these things and she will think it's a big deal too and realize how much more fun it is to do things together instead of just getting presents!
Reply:tell her...."not today..."
Reply:Don't unravel it yet, give her another couple of years... they are only that young once! Just don't upgrade to bigger stuff, then you'll be in trouble!!!! What's a happy meal or small toy to you when it brings so much joy to her!!!!
Reply:Stop giving her so much or she will grow up a spoiled brat. I learnt with my son, we used to buy him a matchbox car every week but then when we didn't have the money to buy him one, he started with the tantrums. Stop now!!!
Reply:She is too young to work in America. Perhaps she can get a job working at a Nike factory in China.
Reply:You're not the parent, nothing wrong with you spoiling her. If the parents have asked that you not keep taking her to McDonalds or you just don't want to, then don't. She'll throw a fit probably but that's being a 2 year old.

If you enjoy it though and it's your special time with her, then what's wrong with it.
Reply:Aw, that's what Uncles are for. Kudos to you for being there for her. Just maybe slowly wein her from your doings.

There's nothing better than that sparkle in the eye of a child. (Especially when you can go home or send HER home)

Reply:Indulge her if you can afford it. It's allowed for uncles to spoil their nieces somewhat. Especially if you enjoy that look of happiness in her eyes.

If you really want to break the habit, just tell her every time that you have just come for a visit and you are not taking her out this time. She'll get used to it.
Reply:your question makes no sense, but anyways, instead of buying her a whole bunch of stuff that she probably doesn't need at such a young age, take her to the park or play a game at home with her. having her control you %26amp; demanding everything she wants %26amp; you letting her get her way will only make things worse. it's as though she's the parent %26amp; you're the child, lol. it needs to be the other way around.
Reply:Well your question is pretty weird a job for a 2 year old that's just mental!

and bout the rest of it your just going to have to tell her that you cant afford too take her today and try just playing with her or something like that in stead of spending
Reply:At least she's young enough to break this terrible habit.


When she comes to visit - sit her down at your kitchen table and feed her at home!!!!!!!!!!!!

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