
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I have foot pain from running in a 5k race. Has anyone had the same symptoms and if so what is the treatment?

I have been running for one year consistently (with no pain). I am 25 yrs old (190 lbs). Three weeks ago I ran in a 5k race. In the 5k, I ran normal until the end of the race. At the end I sprinted as fast as I could for ¼ of a mile. Once the race was over I felt good with no pain. At home, I took my shoes off, took 10 steps and began to feel pain only in my right foot (on the back outside not on the ball) every step I took. I thought I pulled a muscle and didn’t think much about it. After limping two weeks and taking an entire bottle of ibuprofen, I began to feel better and was able to walk without a limp and not noticeable pain. After the two weeks I also played some tennis and with hardly any pain. Today (3 weeks later) I decided to run again (2 miles). Halfway through the run (1 mile) I felt the pain again. My foot again is very tender. Do I need new shoes? Is this Plantar Fasciitis. What about flat feet? Should I see a doctor? Will it ever go away? Please help.

I have foot pain from running in a 5k race. Has anyone had the same symptoms and if so what is the treatment?
You should definitely go see your nearest podiatrist for an evaluation and get x-rays to make sure nothing is broken. It could be a stress fracture or it could be tendonitis. Judging from where it is like the back of the foot (maybe near the ankle), it's more likely tendonitis. You need to rest it again, ice, and Advil. New shoes will help a little, but go see a podiatrist to get evaluated. You may need some orthotics to help with your running so that area doesn't get stressed or overused. He/she will watch you walk and see how you function, this will determine what type of orthotic and other treatments are necessary. Once it's determined what is causing your pain, then yes, it'll go away. Plantar fasciitis is more on the bottom of your foot near the heel bone or in the arch.


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