
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Everyone, please read this question. I want as many people as possible to weigh in on this!?

Do any of you believe in fate, or an unseen power

conspiring against Hillary Clinton, to keep her

out of the Presidential Office?

Here's what I mean:

Without Barack Obama, Hillary would have been

an ABSOLUTE lock, to win the Democratic

nomination. ABSOLUTE LOCK! Look at the field:

Chris Dodd- Dropped out

Joe Biden- Dropped out

Dennis Kucinich- Dropped out

Bill Richardson- Dropped out

John Edwards-For some reason, can't seem to

be given serious consideration as a Presidential

candidate, only VP material!?

Mike Gravel- Still in the race, but looked upon

as a bigger joke than Ron Paul, as far as winning


Without Barack running, Hillary, would have been

a shoe in for the nomination, with virtually

no competition. Instead, because of him, shes in

a heated race that's very competitive.

Heres the thing, no one expected Obama to even run,

nor even knew who he was before now?

Is this fate conspiring against Hillary, by materializing

an Obama?

Everyone, please read this question. I want as many people as possible to weigh in on this!?
no,it's not fate.

and obama didn't just come out of no where.

he spoke at the democratic convention in 2004 and he's been an illinois senator for 8 years.
Reply:You only see Ron Paul as a joke because that's what the corporate media wants you to see. Restoring personal liberty and getting back to the Constitution is not a joke.
Reply:This country needs a change in leadership ASAP. We have someone in a position that should have never been in a leadership position, based on his past failures as a leader. I am a member of the United States Army, and currently serve as a Captain, and I think it's time for a new face not from Washington. We need someone who has a fresh set of ideas that can move us forward, away from the typical and same old" same old political agenda by veterans of Washington. I think all of the old vets in Washington, and inside state politics need to move on. It is a new era and, we as young people need to grow up and lead our country . The elders are screwing us royaly, and we need to change policies quick fast, and in a hurry. Our era is at hand and many of the elders need to step down, the things that they are used to doing, are nolonger working for us. I think we need someone with fresh ideas, someone more on our level of thinking. Everything old must be let go to bring in the new. I love Hill and Bill Clinton, I love Mccain, I love Ted Kennedy, but it's time to move on, I think Barrack and Romney are some outsiders, who we should give a chance, and let them fight it out for both sides and see who will be victorious.
Reply:not fate just two people both not a good candidate running.
Reply:Never in their wildest dreams did the Clintons see this coming. The plan was , Hill would take the nomination and then ask Barack to run as VP. That would have been a powerful ticket, no doubt. You can bet the Republicans were smiling from ear to ear when Obama threw his hat in the ring. The Clintons had to retool quickly... and they are still trying to retool. SC demonstrated that all blacks do not fall down and kiss their feet. Initially, Hillary didn't even plan to campaign there.
Reply:I think, you think too much....
Reply:I just think Obama saw his chance in this election, with Hillary running, and took it. Any other election he wouldn't have as good of a chance.
Reply:How can you say "no one one expected Obama to even run,

nor even knew who he was before now?" He was discussed as a possible candidate since his speech at the 2004 convention wowed the Democrats. (And he wouldn't have even gotten the chance to speak if someone was not impressed with him already.)
Reply:first of all, i think there is a possibility. there's a unseen power pushing for her, why cant there be an unseen power pushing back. i think in all reality it could be a spiritual force. But i think there's alot of pushing and pulling going around during this election and not just regarding her.

And second of all, I agree with Joe A in that you think Ron Paul has no chance because you believe what the MSM tells you! he actually has a very decent chance at this point!

And i'm going to indulge myself, and call Ron Paul a joke again and i climb through the computer screen and break your f*cking jaw, sound good? GodDAMNIT why are people so ignorant?
Reply:I have thought since 2004 that he may run. He was the star of the last convention. I don't think that it came as a huge surprise that he made the decision to run. There was a lot of excitement about him and his ability to lift the Democrats out of the past.
Reply:The first I heard of Obama was on the Oprah Show and she was talking to him about running for Presdient in 08. And at that time he was saying he wasn't sure yet. This was in 04-05.

Hillary is a very good canidate and one of the best one I believe.

Edwards has already met with both Obama and Hillary in private. Therefore I believe he is wanting the VP spot!

She should do good on Super Tuesday!
Reply:Not fate, reality and his name is Ted Kennedy,who really wanted to be President for years and now is his chance the power behind the throne.
Reply:I knew who Obama was before this. In the last election they were talking about how well liked he was.

There is no fate stopping Hillary, there is only Hillary stopping Hillary.
Reply:Fate, no, repub efforts to derail her candidacy to avoid facing her in the general election, Yes.

Obama has major backing for one reason, to derail Hillary, or at least to squeeze her budget.

What I wonder is if all the anti-Hillary hype will be so old by the time the general election comes around, it will be completely ineffective.

"Yeah, you think she is ugly, I get it." "The death list, right! Vince Foster sure, corruption, yadda yadda yadda, got anything new, whitewater!, how long you going to beat that dead horse?"

FOX news and the Hillary haters annoy me so much, I would vote for her just to spite them.
Reply:when the universe conspires against u, nothing u do can help u win....

give me a break
Reply:No - Hillary is extremely strong and extremely qualified. I don't think much of anything will hinder her in the upcoming election.

She possesses a lot of amazing talents, leadership skills, and an extensive background in life and experience that would be extremely welcome as opposed to the current occupant.
Reply:No, this is not fate. This is the American people not wanting another Clinton criminal as president. The first one nearly destroyed the values and standards established in the Constitution. Thanks goodness we put a strong president in office after Slick Willie to rebuild what he destroyed.

Most Americans realize that if we put Hillary in there, then the country will become so socialist that we may not be able to return without major difficulty. We still have a good chance to build this country back to the status it had under Reagan. We just need a real conservative to lead this country.
Reply:That's usually how a good election goes. Two of the top people fighting it out for the nomination. I don't think it has anything to do with fate, it's just the way it should be. There shouldn't only be one qualified candidate.
Reply:I agree interesting Hypothesis...I think that there is a side of the party the machismo and old farts that don't want Hillary getting elected. And also there is a ot jealousy!

Reply:It is very difficult to understand how anybody believes people actually dying during the Clinton Administration ie:Vince Foster and others is old news "yadaa yadda..." and that "the death list" as he put is of no concern to the average person. I am surprised that you would say that even if you did actually feel that way. As far as Hill being ugly, she has had a good surgeon work on her face and looks just fine now.
Reply:No it isn't fate. It's been a typical election.

Puppy Teeth

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