
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Why is it that we cannot accept the obvious, politically speaking?

It's obvious that Hillary will eventually go down in the polls. She will stay in first place for a while, but she is not unstoppable. She WILL be second guessed by the democratic party because she is not the shoe-in they thought they had. Obama WILL beat her out eventually. Huckabee WILL be the one to beat on the republican side. Illegal immigration WILL become the main issue, and a republican WILLl not automatically have the edge simply because he is republican. Whoever does not change his ideology on illegal immigration WILL lose the presidential race. Huckabee is a good man and so is Obama. Huckabee is believable but does not tell the whole truth about his politics. Obama states his beliefs up front about illegals. Huckabee talks about secured borders but has a liberal illegal policy in Arkansas. He also advocates for tution breaks for illegals. They both lack when it comes to the issue. He who gets tough wins, Huckabee or Obama.

Why is it that we cannot accept the obvious, politically speaking?
I can't tell if you are seriously trying to predict the future or if you are just expressing a hope to the Interwebs that this will all come to pass as you are prophesying.

There are plenty of historical examples of someone who got the primary lead and stayed in the lead till the end, starting with the clown in office now....
Reply:Don't forget the calming effect of testosterone.
Reply:you are correct that illegal immigration is the big topic, but you are on the wrong side of it. the most restrictive candidate will get the votes.
Reply:Judging from the last seven years, the candidate that creates the most fear and panders to the most "racial insecurities" will be successful.

Edit: unsuccessful changed to successful. I need to censor my spell checker!!
Reply:I disagree with your view on who the front runners will be. Also, While most people do consider protecting the boarders the #1 issue, let's not forget that a large portion of the population are very anti-war. While Obama may be a good man, I personally do not think he can win. Huckabee may also be a good man, and coming up the ranks, but I also do not think he will be the Republican nomination. It's definitely going to be an all out war right to the end on both sides. In the end, America will vote for the lessor of the two Evils. As for me, I just hope it's the one that is FOR a safer America.


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