
Sunday, October 11, 2009

This is sad...really very sad?

a couple of minutes ago i wrote about the unfortunate experience of having my friend of mine being called a ****er by two six yr old boys of indian from india) at a hotel business lunch...

i understand that race has nothing to do with it..but think about many times do u hear news reports were they say "a 19 yr old black man.."....but u never hear ithe race if the person is white?

If the person is muslim..they say "19 yr old pakistani"...why?

im sad that so few think its wrong for a child to say such hateful things..and be taught such things from his parents..

but if u were black..and this happened to you all the time would u feel? its sad..that u will never know the pain of living in somebody else's shoe..and u cant sympathize

thats why the world is in the state that it is in..thats why we are bloody nations at war all over the world..because we dont give a damn unless it happens to us!

This is sad...really very sad?
I'm black... i realize that there are racist people out there and that they are teaching their children to be racist. If this was said to me I would be shocked, but I would move on pretty quickly because I know that racist still exist and I don't see an end to it in the near future. If I stay sad about it, what kind of life would I live? I have to stay strong. I know that I'm not the ignorant one.

So as long as they don't try to hang me, I'm cool.
Reply:Actually you are not correct I hear report about caucasian peole. It is sad that those 2 boys were raised that way
Reply:You sound QUITE confused. Do you know what you want, save that EVERYONE else is wrong and ONLY you are right?
Reply:You are right that was wrong for that little indian child to do that.
Reply:So you think it's sad because someone was called a n*gger? Try being unemployed for almost 2 years and can't find a job because some b*tch snitched on you.
Reply:im my opinion the word "black man/woman" it self considered a racist word.why on earth we categorize people by their skin colour?isnt that racist?.After all we are all the same colour when we turn out the light.
Reply:i have never heard of kids being irresponsible never are they all not little angels who love mommy and daddy and there sweet brothers and sisters lol reality is NO people are what they do and will not change unless forced to.SO by all means use force of word the fist only a reminder of how close we are to our ancestors our cave men ones.
Reply:You are right about racism happening in the world. However, do note that you may be rather sensitive when you quote news reports saying "black man". I may not see that as derogatory or racist because it could well be an objective way of description. Nobody would complain, but a white man is known as a "caucasian" in objective reports, just as an african american may known as a "black man".

In Singapore, a white man may even be known as an "ang mo" in some dialect groups. I have heard caucasian friends getting a little disturbed with how they are being addressed as "ang mo", but it was never meant as being derogative anyway - So just as in your description, it's really you to the perceptions of individuals.

Having said that, we cannot deny that young children need to learn to respect one another, regardless of race, religion, ethnic groups, or plainly, skin colour.
Reply:6 six years old! kids dese fukkin dayz need more than a slap but back to the subject i have also experienced the same thing and i appreciate u for understanding but that is what life is like for us. im proud that your friend held his composure and was willing to forgot the situation people who think that when these types of situation happens to blacks we should just suck it up well u know what im tired of being the bigger man im tired of what people think i should handle things im tired of everyone having so much expectations for us and im just tired u know.............tired of feeling like sh!t.
Reply:WASP (White Anglo-Saxton Protestant) is considered the norm, base persona of the American citizen. Therefor when one wishes to give descriptive information about the person, it is not necessarily a race issue, but a common sense issue.

When you look at REAL information being passed, such as police reports, you see that "caucasian" is found on a report about a white man as "black" is found on a report about a black man. It is not derogatory. That is not a segregation or a seperation, it is just a identifying characteristic.

Race still plays a huge part in the world today, but when News covers a story about the middle east, they say "pakistani man" to clerify because people want to know information, it's not by any mean derogatory.

Go to Pakistan and watch the news, and you will hear "american man" back.

While your story is a bleak reminder of racism in our world today, I fail to see the correlation here.


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