
Sunday, October 11, 2009

White america?

white ppl murdered the nadivs to get this land and stole the land from them and treated them horriblel and enslaved the blacks for 500 years and treated them horrible to and all the white ppl have been horrible to all the race so y should i be proud of america and y shod i liek white ppl i want to but im not

look at thes video and tell me wat you thank

White america?
your really ignorant, okay that was many years ago. yes it was bad and horrible and sick. but that is history. im not even white and i cant stand when people say that. we are in the 21st century.

was that supposed to accomplish something?? you act like the people in the present could have done something back then. times have changed. those people in the video are stupid and sad.
Reply:For one thing, learn how to spell and pronunciate. Your style of writing makes you sound utterly unintelligent.

My race was pursecuted for centuries before coming to America, and after coming here they were totally condemed as well. Blacks are not the only race that have been oppressed, nor the only race that built America. Have we forgotten our history? Though many history books have inaccuracies, most do tell you that all races of the immigrants had their part.

Do I complain and keep bringing up the past? NO! Why keep rehashing the past when you (or I) were not even there? Why keep bringing it up when things have changed for the better? Why not just learn from it and MOVE ON? Am I going to get all pissed off and hate a certain race because of how they treated another race all those years ago? NO! I base my dislike of a person based on who they are, not what blood they carry. Those were the times then; they are different now, evolve already.
Reply:Haha, thats funny but bad, i shouldn't laugh but im mentally not right. O_O
Reply:what is your deal. get over yourself and the people you think are racist. Be happy. Stop complaining. the past is the past and most white people are cool.most black people are cool.most hispanic people are cool.most oriental people are cool. if they are not phuck em! you know?
Reply:White people are not the only ones who have committed atrocities against people in the past. Even today in places such as Darfur and Iraq, people of the same race are killing and torturing each other. People commit crimes against thier own races and others to this very day. If you ever get the chance to read a history book, check out all of the slavery, wars, and killing that have gone on races other than whites. Mexicans owned slaves, Africans tribes still torture and kill each other, Egyptians enslaved Jews, the Spanish conquered and enslaved native Mexicans, and many countries were taken through force and that a reason to hate a whole race to this very day? Please remember that not all whites liked the idea of slavery and killing in the first place, there was that little section of the U.S. called the North that fought and died to try to end slavery. It is not right that horrible things happened to these people, but you cannot blame people today for things other whites did long ago. If everyone thought that way, everybody would have a reason to hate every race because all of them have done similar things at some point in history.
Reply:I think you're egregiously attributing characteristics that properly belong to people long since dead to people who had absolutely nothing to do with the colonization of this land, the slaughter of natives, or the imposition and proliferation of slavery.

I also think you may want to practice your English a little more.

... También, si no te guste vivir aca en EEUU, ni te guste la gente, tal vez es buena idea enmigrarte al país en lo cual naciste.

Solo es mi opinión.
Reply:Slavery ended a long time ago. Black people now have more opportunity to excel and acheive in America than ever before. Even in the video the man was exercising free speech. No one alive today was a slave owner, to cling to the past as a reason not to be proud of your country is a foolish stand to take.


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